Light Energy. The alchemy of Miron Violet Glass
Yes, magic in a bottle does exist!
The properties of Miron Violet glass are nothing less than astounding. Amy Devani Skincare does not use anything else. Read more to find out why.
Miron Violet Glass is not your average glass bottle.
Biophotonic Miron Violet Glass is the only kind of glass in the world that filters light to benefit the contents within.
The way this works has to do with light, and biophotons.
There are qualities of light that can be of benefit, and qualities that accelerate decay and decomposition and whilst this can also be argued to be of benefit in the natural world, when it comes to our skincare, it is not.
Solar radiation includes different types of light, visible and invisible. The visible spectrum is what the human eye perceives when white light passes through a glass prism. Infrared and UV-A electromagnetic radiation are part of the invisible light spectrum.
Clear, amber and green glass allow all the rays through, including the rays that will damage your product. While at the other end of the spectrum, black, or very dark glass, allows none of the rays to pass through, including those that are actually good for your product.
Miron violet glass acts as a natural filter, because it only lets through solar radiation which is useful for protecting and improving the quality of valuable and sensitive substances. No other glass in the world does this!
The science stems back to Ancient Egypt, where biophotonic violet glass vessels were used to preserve and enhance valuable essences, oils and healing products. Cleopatra was said to have rubbed aloe vera on her skin every day, kept in violet glass jars.
Biophotons. What are they?
Biophotons are invisible light particles generated by almost all living cells.
Which means that you are in fact absorbing and emitting millions of biophotons at this very moment.
Biophotonics, whose name derives from the Greek "bios" ("life") and "phos" ("light"), is a discipline that analyses the processes that take place at the cellular level on the basis of interaction between light and living material.
There is growing evidence proving that absorbing biophotons increases vitality, prevents disease and even slows down the ageing process.
In other words, the more biophotons you absorb, the better it is for your health and well-being.
From the studies conducted at the International Institute of Biophysics, it can be concluded that the benefits brought to our health by the foods we eat, and what we apply to our skin, depend not only on the biochemical composition, but also on the degree of "light energy" present in their cells, as detected by biophotonic measurements.
It was found that plant extracts and products are excellent storers of "light energy". In order for this energy not to be lost or wasted, correct packaging and storage is essential. This is where Miron Violet glass comes in.
Essentially, things stored in Miron Violet Glass stay fresher longer – not only fresh, but the glass also preserves the dynamic light-energy of what is stored inside.
Numerous tests have been carried out to test the biophotonic benefits of violet glass. Below are two such tests to exemplify the potent power of effectively filtered light.
The Tomato test
To further prove the preservation capacity of Miron violet glass, a microbiological experiment was carried out on cherry tomatoes, exposed for seven months to the sun, at room temperature, in clear glass and in Miron violet glass. After seven months, the samples were photographed and this is the result: the tomatoes preserved in clear glass show evident signs of microbiological alteration, while those in the Miron violet glass container remained fresh and kept their original colour and texture.
The Chive Test
As part of a three-month experiment, chopped chives were placed in glass containers of various types (clear, brown and violet) and exposed to sunlight for several hours each day.
After two months, the quality of the chives were assessed. The image clearly shows how the chive samples contained in the clear and brown glass jars exposed to the sun have undergone a clear loss of life-force.
“No other packaging compares to the benefits of
biophotonic glass.”
I am proud that we use Miron Violet Glass at Amy Devani Skincare to house and protect our precious products. This way we ensure that you get the very best, most vital, fresh, effective and bioenergetically-beneficial skincare worthy of anointing your sacred skin, charged with an abundance in biophotons for a youthful, healthy, vibrant glow.
With love